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2019 Development Officers Conference

  • Hyatt Regency Newport Beach, CA, 92660 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Plenary Speaker

A Culture of Sufficiency: Donor Designation at the Intersection of Sustainability and Generosity
Visionary faith initiatives offer a new opportunity for donors to invest in theological education. Beyond understanding the altered landscape of religious giving, this session will suggest that participants explore a culture of sufficiency and leadership investments that grow nontraditional donor audiences for long-term sustainability. They will be encouraged to Act, Think and Interact to encourage change in the development environment.  

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to Apr 5

Ecumenical Stewardship Center - Pathways to Generosity: Signs of Hope


Standing at the intersection of faithful stewardship and generous giving, Pathways to Generosity: Signs of Hope Conference attendees will:

Explore their paths to faithful generosity with insights from experts in keynote sessions and workshops.
Hear signs of hope through inspiring worship and stories in Bright Spot presentations.
Leave ready and able to create new paths of generosity in your church or organization.

The Pathways to Generosity: Signs of Hope Conference is offered in partnership by these organizations:
Ecumenical Stewardship Center
Center for Faith and Giving for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Presbyterian Church in Canada
Presbyterian Church USA
The Episcopal Network for Stewardship
United Church of Christ Office of Philanthropy & Stewardship

Online Registration will open January 3, 2018

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ATS 2018 Development Officers' Conference
to Feb 22

ATS 2018 Development Officers' Conference

  • Association of Theological Schools (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Aimée Laramore, Philanthropic Strategist, PhD in African American Preaching and Sacred Rhetoric, Christian Theological Seminary       
Angela R. Logan, Interim St. Andre Bessette Director of Nonprofit Professional Development, Mendoza College of Business, University of Notre Dame

Students and faculty are critical constituencies for theological education, but engaging students, alumni/ae, and faculty in the world of development can be a taboo topic at best. Each of these audiences, especially alumni/ae, has an incredible role to play in the sustainability of beloved institutions, including embracing the role of brand ambassador. Our best and brightest graduates and faculty—regardless of profession, ministry, and calling—have tremendous importance beyond their charitable giving. Together, alumni/ae relations and seminary advancement have the potential to revolutionize how we understand relationship development and work in partnership to attract, cultivate, and retain those with shared values and critical resources for success. Join Aimée and Angela for an innovative conversation about best practices for navigating critical constituencies. Raising resources is a necessity, but building relationships is the root of the development practices that make sustainability possible. Leverage and apply best relationship practices and incorporate metrics with nontraditional audiences to move from conversation to cultivation.
Target Audience: New to the Field (under two years) and Intermediate (under five years)

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 Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference
to Feb 15

Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference

2018 will mark the 15th anniversary of the Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference Inc. For 15 years, SDPC has engaged in advocacy and activism, and promoted justice by resourcing and organizing partner churches, clergy and lay leaders to address the diverse concerns of communities. The 2018 SPDC conference will offer specialized sessions, plenaries, institutes, workshops and community activities designed to equip attendees and local residents to respond to the many issues we face in our communities throughout this nation and in the diaspora.

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 2018 UUMA CENTER Institute for Excellence in Ministry
to Jan 26

2018 UUMA CENTER Institute for Excellence in Ministry

  • 2018 UUMA CENTER Institute for Excellence in Ministry (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Spiritual Leadership for Stewardship and Fundraising: Enough Already!

Limit: 60

In this seminar we will begin by exploring our own spiritual and cultural relationship with money.  Grounded in our own work toward health, we will examine the role of religious community in building a healthy and prophetic vision for our collective relationship with money.  We will share the latest research about giving and offer an overview of the adaptive changes needed for successfully resourcing mission, including practical wisdom and tools.

Innisbrook Resort, Golf & Conference Center
36750 Us Highway 19 N.
Palm Harbor, Florida  34684
United States


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